Saturday, August 4, 2012

Connectedness in PBL - Let's Tweet Up

Can you imagine carrying off a great project without connecting through technology? Is this even possible? Meet with fellow PBL enthusiasts on August 21 to discuss the ways connectedness is a game changer for PBL. No need to leave your cozy home, we'll be meeting in real-time on Twitter, organizing our conversation using the hashtag #PBLChat. This regular "tweetup" will be part of Connected Educator Month and we hope to see many new faces there.
#PBLChat is hosted by Theresa Shafer, Online Community Manager for the New Tech Network. I'll be joining as cohost for our session on connectedness.
Details:  Scroll down to Aug 21st on the Connected Educator Month Schedule, but simply put, meet us on Twitter at 9:00 US EDT, set your filters to #pblchat, and join in!

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